Tuesday 11 September 2012

As soon as you tune onto any radio channels the hottest topic which our radio jockeys will make fun of is the exponential rise in prices of petrol. “AAM AADMI” who strives hard to make his family’s lifestyle better faces another hit when our so called UPA government decided to increase the oil prices by 7.50 a litre.
Some say it’s a fault of our government and some say it’s the fault of our OMC’s who keep on pressuring the government to decrease the taxes or to provide them some subsidies which indirectly results on the increase in price of petrol/diesel. But, as a middle class family boy I see this price rise as a process where my expense needs to revised and believe me it’s a tough task to do. As going through an article by a famous economist he says price rise is good as the inflation rate will increase and we will be able to increase our GDP to a great extent in our future. But, someone explain to me why to make our present life miserable just to improve our future. I don’t see any point in hiking the oil prices for 8th time in a year. Rise which takes place once in a year which is nominal can be entertained but now a days it feels like every once in a month the petrol prices are increasing.
I do believe it’s very easy to blame our current government. But believe me my friends one way or other even we are responsible for the hike of prices. With the increase in demand of vehicles it’s very nominal to see a nuclear family of 4 members has 2 cars. Question to all the readers here whether it’s really necessary? How many times we take out our vehicle to travel a destination which is less than a kilometre? Are we so lazy or are we so careless to forget the fact that petrol is on the verge to get extinct in mere future? All of us live in same environment and it’s our responsibility to make sure that our future generation can also get benefited.
While discussing about the topic among my friends a very funny result came out which I would like to share to all the boys. A friend of mine said that all the boys can enjoy the extra pocket money under the disguise of petrol and take your girls out for a long walk. So let’s go green and pray to god that there won’t be any price rise at least not for this year.