Monday 3 December 2012

Exponential rise in fuel price rise-3

The union ministry for Petroleum and Natural gas is drawing up a road map to ensure country's self-reliance in fossil fuel and natural gas. while India for now imports up-to 80% of its crude oil needs, the road map seeks to reduce this by further 30-40% over the next three to five years, its minister M Verappa Moily said. Non-oil imports during April - October, 2012-13 were valued at $ 181566.5 million which was 8.2% lower than the level of such imports valued at $ 197833.6 million in April - October, 2011-12. The oil price was higher by $ 0.49 per barrel on 9.11.2012 as compared to $105.60 per barrel on the previous trading day's figures of 8.11.2012. The international crude oil price for Indian Basket as computed by the Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC) under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas increased to $ 106.09 per barrel (bbl) on 9.11.2012. In rupee terms also, crude oil price went up marginally to Rs 5764.93 per barrel on 09.11.2012 as compared to Rs 5748.86 per barrel on 08.11.2012, said a government statement on 12th November, 2012. This oil rise was due to rise in price in dollar terms though rupee appreciation moderated the increase in price in rupee terms. 

Jijo's reason behind joining PGDM program

In PGDM degree the course is quite flexible i.e. the course mainly designed in taking consideration with what the market wants from the current Managers. They can easily change the course taking into consideration that what is needed to be taught to benefit the fresh minds so that once they join the company they don’t face much problem. Added with PGDM helps an individual to groom himself as there are lots of value added courses like MSS, Photography etc. which will make my CV appealing. PGDM also gets an edge over the MBA graduates as lots of Industry based people comes and teaches the class. Taking PSGIM in consideration I feel that as the majority of students are from work-experienced background it helps me to think more rationally and that’s why I choose PGDM program.

Tarun's Reason behind choosing PGDM programme

The PGDM programmes are offered by autonomous institutions which are student centric. In PGDM programme the Institutions are responsive to industry needs and they continuously change their curricula and syllabi to address the concerns of the corporate world and to incorporate new developments in the discipline.  More importantly, they offer high value added courses and workshop to enhance the employability of the students and to brush up their life skills. Hence they not only focus on academics but also on personal and professional dimensions of a student. Added with all these fact one of the reason why I choose PGDM programme instead of MBA is that I was told that in PGDM programme the majority of the student will be from work experience background. Keeping all these facts in mind I choose to do PGDM degree from PSGIM.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Modern Poem

The sunlight on the garden

The sunlight on the garden
Hardens and grows cold,
We cannot cage the minute
Within its nets of gold;
When all is told
We cannot beg for pardon.

Our freedom as free lances
Advances towards its end;
The earth compels, upon it
Sonnets and birds descend;
And soon, my friend,
We shall have no time for dances.

 -Louis MacNeice
This poem is written by Louis MacNeice who is an Irish poet. The poet narrates the importance of time. He says that nothing in life is permanent everything is temporary and we should enjoy each and every second of our life. As written in our Quran “Time(Al-Asr) is a witness, that man is surely in a state of loss, except for those who believe and do good deeds and exhort one another to hold fast to the truth, and who exhort one another to steadfastness.”(103:1-2)
In this chapter Quran talks about the importance of time and how important it is make sure that we value it.

Monday 8 October 2012

exponential rise in diesel price - II

Yet again the Aam aadmi got a heavy shock when the UPA government decided to revise the Diesel price by 13%. Diesel which was available for Rupees 45 has now become somewhere around 52. After a month when we look at the impact of this rise we can clearly understand the rise in all the basic commodities like rice, pulse, fruits etc. A glance at the price list at the provision store is enough to bring worry to a person. It’s high time when you start curtaining your budget. The cascading effect of diesel price hike is leaving many households high and dry. Talking about the travelling expense within this two years Coimbatore’s city bus price has almost doubled. Places where the minimum fare was 2 rupees has now become 5 rupees.
And still our beloved minister says “if you earn Rupees 32 a month, you will be considered like a family who is above BPL (Below Poverty Line)”. Somebody should make them understand that there is a life existing beyond politics. It makes no sense to make such sort of comment just to get vote of the public.
If this price rise keeps on happening there will be one day when the suicide rates will increase by extent which will be tough to stop. It’s high time when some steps are meant to be taken or else a dream to become a developed one will just become a dream.