Monday 8 October 2012

exponential rise in diesel price - II

Yet again the Aam aadmi got a heavy shock when the UPA government decided to revise the Diesel price by 13%. Diesel which was available for Rupees 45 has now become somewhere around 52. After a month when we look at the impact of this rise we can clearly understand the rise in all the basic commodities like rice, pulse, fruits etc. A glance at the price list at the provision store is enough to bring worry to a person. It’s high time when you start curtaining your budget. The cascading effect of diesel price hike is leaving many households high and dry. Talking about the travelling expense within this two years Coimbatore’s city bus price has almost doubled. Places where the minimum fare was 2 rupees has now become 5 rupees.
And still our beloved minister says “if you earn Rupees 32 a month, you will be considered like a family who is above BPL (Below Poverty Line)”. Somebody should make them understand that there is a life existing beyond politics. It makes no sense to make such sort of comment just to get vote of the public.
If this price rise keeps on happening there will be one day when the suicide rates will increase by extent which will be tough to stop. It’s high time when some steps are meant to be taken or else a dream to become a developed one will just become a dream.

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