Tuesday 16 October 2012

Modern Poem

The sunlight on the garden

The sunlight on the garden
Hardens and grows cold,
We cannot cage the minute
Within its nets of gold;
When all is told
We cannot beg for pardon.

Our freedom as free lances
Advances towards its end;
The earth compels, upon it
Sonnets and birds descend;
And soon, my friend,
We shall have no time for dances.

 -Louis MacNeice
This poem is written by Louis MacNeice who is an Irish poet. The poet narrates the importance of time. He says that nothing in life is permanent everything is temporary and we should enjoy each and every second of our life. As written in our Quran “Time(Al-Asr) is a witness, that man is surely in a state of loss, except for those who believe and do good deeds and exhort one another to hold fast to the truth, and who exhort one another to steadfastness.”(103:1-2)
In this chapter Quran talks about the importance of time and how important it is make sure that we value it.

Monday 8 October 2012

exponential rise in diesel price - II

Yet again the Aam aadmi got a heavy shock when the UPA government decided to revise the Diesel price by 13%. Diesel which was available for Rupees 45 has now become somewhere around 52. After a month when we look at the impact of this rise we can clearly understand the rise in all the basic commodities like rice, pulse, fruits etc. A glance at the price list at the provision store is enough to bring worry to a person. It’s high time when you start curtaining your budget. The cascading effect of diesel price hike is leaving many households high and dry. Talking about the travelling expense within this two years Coimbatore’s city bus price has almost doubled. Places where the minimum fare was 2 rupees has now become 5 rupees.
And still our beloved minister says “if you earn Rupees 32 a month, you will be considered like a family who is above BPL (Below Poverty Line)”. Somebody should make them understand that there is a life existing beyond politics. It makes no sense to make such sort of comment just to get vote of the public.
If this price rise keeps on happening there will be one day when the suicide rates will increase by extent which will be tough to stop. It’s high time when some steps are meant to be taken or else a dream to become a developed one will just become a dream.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Future of Fun City Mall

Fun city mall which is situated in the heart of Coimbatore has pros as well as cones. According to the youngster it’s a nice place to hang out with their friends and according to the old people they feel it’s a waste of their time because the arrangement is not proper. For example, if you want to buy a trouser and a shirt you will have to walk a lot.
While strolling through the mall we found out that youngsters were having nice time with their friends. According to them weekend should be special and because of Fun city mall’s existence, now their weekend are indeed special. Ladies where happy as they don’t have to go to different shop as they can purchase almost everything from the mall and from the perspective of Male they don’t have to visit one shop after another. A youngster said that finally MacDonald came to Coimbatore, earlier to have MacDonald’s “Chicken Maharaja Mac” you have to travel either to Bangalore or to Chennai which was literally not possible. But, after Fun has open they can enjoy their Maharaja Mac right here in Coimbatore.
According to the customers they felt that there is no facility to drink water and the shops where we will get food is quite costly and the taste is not good. They commented that the burger which “Mac’D” serves was cold and the queue were very long. According to a lady there is no specific place where children can play. She told us that in all the other malls including “Brookefields” has a specific zone where small children can play video games. The products which we get in Reliance Trend are not fresh enough. They also pointed out that in some places like “Heritage” and “Jashn” doesn’t accept any card and the main problem arises because there is no ATM centre available in the mall. Customer also felt a bit disappointed because the entire mall is not open. There are shops like “Shoppers Stop”, “KFC” and “Fun theatre” which are yet to open and as the per the sources it will take another one month to open. Most of the escalator was working but there is no ramp facility available. Hence, if any physically challenge person wish to see the mall will fail to do so.
Some suggestion from our side to improve the facility of Mall will be:-
·         Appoint more security guard for the safety of customer, as mall will be in the preference of pick pocketers.
·         Appoint more guards in the Parking lot area.
·         Fastfood giant like Mac’D, KFC and Marrybrown should serve the food faster and the food should be served warm.
·         Proper queue facilities for the customer while ordering their food.
·         Authority should open a Video game parlour where kids can play and can spend their time.
·         All the shop should accept credit card as most of the customer like to transact through credit cards.
·         Open the Fun Theatre as soon as possible.
As the response of the customer is a mixed one, we can infer that if the mall is properly maintained and if the shops keep updating their product it will yield them a high profit.

A day in the life of Latha

I was dumb stuck when I came across the fact about the present condition of Indian woman. I always knew that woman are considered as a lower section of our society but it swept my feet out of the land when I had an opportunity to talk to a woman, who strive hard to earn just to complete the basic needs of their family. The sacrifice which she has done toward the enlistment of her family is mind blowing. She has taught me a lesson which I will treasure for my entire life. Miss Latha mother of two children whom she considers as the most precious thing in her life lives with her mother in law. Her husband who passed away three years back due to excessive consumption of alcohol and left behind a loan which is still acting as a barrier for their family to come out of misery.

            She dictates that she was married at the age of 16 and from thereon she has never look back. Problem kept on coming but she was the IRON LADY of her family. After her husband passed away she took a job in a nursery. She wakes up early in the morning, sends her children to government school and turns up right on time to the nursery. She has maintained a balance between her family and her job.

 Asking about her workplace I found out blatant discrimination. Talking on the general terms, working women are sexually harassed at the work place. Especially, women employees working in night shift are more vulnerable to such incidents. Nurses, for example, face this problem nearly every day. There is nothing that is done in hospitals to tackle and address the danger they face. Such blatant disregard of current Indian laws is one reason why sexual harassment at the workplace continues to increase. Further, many of them are physically and psychologically abused, by their in-laws and husband but they do not complain or let others know about it, particularly if they have children. This activity not to let out the truth leads the in-laws to keep on harassing the woman. I feel ashamed to point out the fact that the majority of assaults happens in a family which is well-educated. I just hope and wish that this type of unethical practice should stop right now and strict action should be taken against the families which are found guilty.

Current society is a male dominant one and still there exist lots of woman like latha who fights daily to make sure there family is taken care off. It’s amazing to see the dedication which latha shows toward her work. It was indeed a nice learning curve for me and my blog partner to see this part of India where still lots of things are to be taken care off. Would like to share one fact about Miss latha that even though she have never been to school she dreams that her elder son becomes an Engineer. I do believe and hope that we so called the GEN – X will bring changes in the society and one day will come where the society will be free from all the evil elements. 

We might have got independence in 1947 but are woman are free from the shackles of the society?  Last but not the least, would make an appeal to all my readers to take their life in reverse mode and think about their mother and sacrifice she has done to bring us up. Salute to all the mothers and a special one to my mom from my side whose eyes will be filled with tears while reading this blog. LOVE you Maa.....

Monday 1 October 2012

Bank Loan

Jijo Wilson
Koil Street, P N Palayam,

Branch Manager
ICICI- R S Puram branch, Coimbatore-04
                I need a loan for Rs.2500000 from your esteemed bank. I need this loan to buy a piece of land in Coimbatore to build my house. I have a salary of Rs 60000 a month. I can afford a monthly payment of Rs 20000 as my EMI.       
My company ABC InfoTech is one of the most reputed IT firms in India and I have been working here for the past 12 year. I also own other properties in and around Coimbatore which I can keep as collateral for this loan. I am attaching my past 6 month’s bank statement copy which will help you to verify my transactions from the bank.
It will be very kind on your part if you fix an appointment so that it we can discuss remaining procedures to take my loan. You can call me at my telephone number at 8759965412.
Hope will hear a positive response from your side. 

Yours sincerely
Jijo Wilson.

Damaged Consignment

                                                                                                            30th Sep 2012

XYZ ltd.

    Mr. Suraj,
    43, East Street,

We would like to apologise for the inconvenience that you faced. We have gone through your complain and found that the product which you took had a minor circuit problem and we are happy to inform that the problem is rectified now.
We are known for our employee retention and would like to replace your product with a new one added with we are giving you a free 12 month warranty period.
I do assure that this will never happen again. If you have any further queries regarding this product feel free to contact us at phone number 9097893456 or email us at www.jijoxyz.com.

Yours sincerely,
Jijo Wilson
Customer relation Officer
XYZ ltd.

Bank Loan

Tarun kumar jha
Parsns nestle, Ramanthpuram

Bank Manager
SBI-Peelamedu branch, peelamedu
                With due regards I state that I need a personal loan of 2500000. I need the personal loan to buy a piece of land to build my house. I have carefully considered all my options and decided to opt for a loan. Also according to my calculation, I will be able to  pay off the loan for a period of 8 years.
                I am currently working as a Project Manager in WIPRO TECH., Coimbatore where I have been working for the past 10 years. You can very well verify my profile from the Personnel Department of my company at Telephone number 080-2502125 or write them at www.wipropersonnel.com.
                I have included the copy of my bank statement for past 6 months which will help you to know that I am very well capable to return my loan in a stipulated time.
                I will be very obliged if you pay your due consideration toward my letter and help me to get a loan of Rs. 2500000. I am prepared to come to your bank at any time to discuss about remaining detail procedure to get a loan. You can contact me at Telephone number 909-495-0210.
I look forward to hearing soon from you.
Yours sincerely
Tarun Kumar Jha

Apology Letter

Tarunjijo Corp.,
Street no 141, Rajaji Street,

Mr. Santosh Aggarwal
PSG Hostel, Room no H-420, Peelamedu

Dear Santosh,
                                Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience you might have experienced in respect to badly damaged computer. At TarunJijo Corp., we take pride in ensuring our customer’s satisfaction. Unfortunately, we did not meet our expectations.
                                Upon thorough review of the situation, we narrowed the cause to recent internal system updates, key staff changes. As a testament to strive for perfection, we have taken steps to ensure that this will never happen again. With the creation of companywide training sessions, creating an internal auditing system, installing new back-up systems , our process will be stronger than ever and will help eliminate the problem you experienced. Because of this serious oversight, we are going to replace your faulty computer by a new one with an additional 6 months worth of free service.
                                We deeply value your relationship with TarunJijo Corp., and are committed to providing you with the highest level of service simply because our customer deserves the very best. If you have any further question or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with us at www.tarunjijocorp.com.
Yours in service
Tarun Kumar Jha
Project Manager –HR
Phone no: 909-495-0210