Sunday 7 October 2012

A day in the life of Latha

I was dumb stuck when I came across the fact about the present condition of Indian woman. I always knew that woman are considered as a lower section of our society but it swept my feet out of the land when I had an opportunity to talk to a woman, who strive hard to earn just to complete the basic needs of their family. The sacrifice which she has done toward the enlistment of her family is mind blowing. She has taught me a lesson which I will treasure for my entire life. Miss Latha mother of two children whom she considers as the most precious thing in her life lives with her mother in law. Her husband who passed away three years back due to excessive consumption of alcohol and left behind a loan which is still acting as a barrier for their family to come out of misery.

            She dictates that she was married at the age of 16 and from thereon she has never look back. Problem kept on coming but she was the IRON LADY of her family. After her husband passed away she took a job in a nursery. She wakes up early in the morning, sends her children to government school and turns up right on time to the nursery. She has maintained a balance between her family and her job.

 Asking about her workplace I found out blatant discrimination. Talking on the general terms, working women are sexually harassed at the work place. Especially, women employees working in night shift are more vulnerable to such incidents. Nurses, for example, face this problem nearly every day. There is nothing that is done in hospitals to tackle and address the danger they face. Such blatant disregard of current Indian laws is one reason why sexual harassment at the workplace continues to increase. Further, many of them are physically and psychologically abused, by their in-laws and husband but they do not complain or let others know about it, particularly if they have children. This activity not to let out the truth leads the in-laws to keep on harassing the woman. I feel ashamed to point out the fact that the majority of assaults happens in a family which is well-educated. I just hope and wish that this type of unethical practice should stop right now and strict action should be taken against the families which are found guilty.

Current society is a male dominant one and still there exist lots of woman like latha who fights daily to make sure there family is taken care off. It’s amazing to see the dedication which latha shows toward her work. It was indeed a nice learning curve for me and my blog partner to see this part of India where still lots of things are to be taken care off. Would like to share one fact about Miss latha that even though she have never been to school she dreams that her elder son becomes an Engineer. I do believe and hope that we so called the GEN – X will bring changes in the society and one day will come where the society will be free from all the evil elements. 

We might have got independence in 1947 but are woman are free from the shackles of the society?  Last but not the least, would make an appeal to all my readers to take their life in reverse mode and think about their mother and sacrifice she has done to bring us up. Salute to all the mothers and a special one to my mom from my side whose eyes will be filled with tears while reading this blog. LOVE you Maa.....

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